Creative Chaos

Creative Chaos

Wednesday 19 August 2015


Well I must say life does not feel very exciting lately. I think this wet, colder than normal winter has slowed me down and left me with not much motivation for much - at all.

The excitement of the day was the bargains at the supermarket - I work in one of the poorest suburbs in all of NZ and can tell you right now, that this really is the place to do your supermarket shopping. Guaranteed you may not be able to get all the brands you get in the central city suburbs and everything seems to come in larger sizes and the meat cuts are just different to what I normally get and also the specials are even cheaper than the same supermarket in the city for the same item on special at both places. After school today I got free range chickens, Twinings tea/teabags (and a variety), Finish tabs, dishwash cleaner, decent coffee beans all at 50% off or more. Big brands like these sell few in the no-frills suburb, so I always do well.

I've been trying to be the bargain queen lately, even getting "free" petrol with points saved from my visa card. And trying not to buy stuff - um - wool and books the exception. And trying to finish projects and use stuff from my stash - on the whole.

This arrived as a surprise package today at school -

Um and then I really splurged on the most decent quality handbag I have ever owned. I have always wanted a bag and shoes from Minnie Cooper and when I found out they were closing down, I ran in. I have held off for years because of the prices... Their shoes and bags are New Zealand made and are quality and investment items that will last for decades. Yes I splurged but the bag is for life! And I like to support NZ made as much as I can. I feel I now have a real grown up bag too. I now want a pair of shoes or two.... (luckily I have had a decent pay rise/ new grading at school too).

We've had a birthday for a 17 year old - so low key that maybe 5 extended family members remembered - oh well. Can go both ways I guess! Such a cuisy kid - we have had zero teenage dramas over the years. The 11 year old gives him a run for his money already... ha!
And that is it really - keeping warm, baking, cooking roast dinners, out with the principal to a poverty/education talk that rocked and had us both wandering where we are going in NZ - he told me we need to get our students politicised!! , attempting essay research (sigh) and way too much knitting!


  1. Hi.
    A great post. We, in England, are in the middle of our Summer, ha ha. It rained last night on my towels that I stupidly left on the line, It is not cold though just overcast with high humidity, an awful combination.
    It is good that you try to buy NZ products. I do much the same over here. Not only are we supporting local business but helping our poor planet with less travel miles. As for shopping for a bargain, go girl ;0) There is, almost, nothing more satisfying.
    Your surprise package looks interesting, have you any plans for the yarn?
    Hugs x

  2. I've been following your blog for a while now but never commented before. The birthday thing struck a note with me. It certainly does go both ways. I've never had anything from any of my nieces and nephews for my birthdays. A quick greeting on social media just doesn't do it for me, not that I even get that... Nor was I invited to any parties either. I'm not sure why. I guess people are too busy leading their own lives these days and friends have become more important than family. I used to give presents even with no invites and no thank you's, year after year. I never forget. I never will, however, I simply gave up making an effort because it was never reciprocated which is sad but there is only so much you can do or chances you can give. When you seem to be endlessly ignored/forgotten you give up. Maybe one day I will be asked why I was never there. At least I can tell them I was, up to a point when I just couldn't be.
    I love receiving surprise parcels too.

  3. Love your new handbag Kimberley and it is such a classic it won't date. I think birthdays do become more low-key as the children get older, but cards are always welcome and it's a shame the wider family didn't send birthday wishes. Great cake though. X
