Scanning 10,000 books over the past week and today and finishing.. but with 800 odd on the missing list (the usual suspects of Geronimo/Thea Stilton x 35, Wimpy Kid x 23, Tom Gates X 10 etc).
Reading about the earthquake in Chile just after lunch. Scanning more books. Not looking at e-mails for a couple of hours. Then I do. Then I realise that the husband's mum was in Santiago, but flying home tonight.
Cue a bit of panic. Finding out her connecting flight had just arrived into Santiago half an hour after the quake. Then spending time on-line on and off after school looking at flights. Learning a bit of spanish to understand airport pages.
Luckily her flight back down under has now left but 5 hours late, but we can handle that!
The East Coast of New Zealand is now on a tsunami watch due to hit in 1-2 hours. We are on the side where we should be okay, even if the sea is like 5 minutes drive from home.
I guess an airport pick up is better at 9.30am than 4.30 am :) . What an afternoon!
Poor all of you, must of given you a huge scare, hope she arrives home safely . and you sweetheart thinking of you and hoping that tsunami , well hoping your are all safe too...Maria xxxx