Creative Chaos

Creative Chaos

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Ooh-er - spoilt!

I've a very good teenager bringing me back divine Liberty of London clothing from Uniqlo and stationery from Muji in Melbourne. I didn't even know there was a Muji in Melb!

The husband and him have been over there for business and the teen looking at Melbourne University (sadly foiled as has not done maths in his last year of high school which he needs for entrance. Australian universities have MUCH higher entrance levels than New Zealand universities - of which only 48% of NZ students achieved NZ entrance last year too!). He adores the city and really wants to move back there after living there as a young child.

Simple little things like this I love and make me happy!


  1. Fabulous Liberty items!! What lovely gifts! Such a shame about the Uni for your son, I hope he can get in to one in NZ instead. xx

  2. Loved Melbourne and would happily move there! Your boys are very thoughtful, I don't think mine would ever consider bringing me clothing back from their travels!

  3. my goodness you did get some nice presents!!! I didn't know that about the universities...sounds challenging!!

  4. What a well trained son you have! There used to be a Muji here in Glasgow, I must find out if it is still there X

  5. Such lovely gifts. Certain subjects needed for college can be challenging. For some reason my son needed to have Spanish for community college, never really did understand why, and it was always his nemesis, so would bring down his grade point average, fortunately in second year was able to drop it and graduated Magna Cum Laude. He did go on from there to his Uni of choice Ithaca NY.
