Creative Chaos

Creative Chaos

Saturday, 6 December 2014

sweet birthdays

We are all very grumpy here. It is a combination of the end of the year, madness at work, schools finishing and Christmas can't-be-bothered-ness. (the New Zealand/Australian school year goes from January/February to December). So as well as trying to get up to date with everything before the country shuts down for a bit after Christmas, there are end of year prizegivings, music concerts, new 2015 school orinetations etc etc. I'm done/exhausted with everything. As our schools all run themselves seperately, we have different finish/start dates. One child finished 3 weeks ago, another yesterday, my school next week and the last school finishes the week after. It is all dependant on year level too even within the same school. Next year two start January 22 ( !! ), me Jan 28 and I have no idea when the other high school starts at all yet. It is sure to be another date again!

Anyway, I received lots of sweet gorgeous things for my birthday - here is a peek.

 adore the tray and jug from my best friend. The Laura Asheley measuring jug was a gift to myself for a steal at $10!
 LOVE it!
 I have a tea towel obsession whether new or op-shopped or blog swaps!
 Phoenix stationery and Kikki K stationery goodies.
 Kikki K love.
 Kikki K - this calendar is a must every yar for me.
 My summer reading. One of NZ's top authors.
 so sweet - measuring spoons from another friend.
And handmade GOODNESS - adore the fabric. made by dear Tracy at Sunny Corner Farm blog.

Lucky me. Lots of very meaningful adorable gifts.


  1. All such beautiful birthday gifts, you were really spoilt.
    The measuring spoons are so original and pretty. x

  2. Wow, such lovely gifts. You must be feeling very lucky.

  3. Your gifts are very beautiful! Love the measuring spoons ! X
