Making : socks and pyramid shawlettes for Christmas gifts
Cooking : not much.. but finally eating muesli, melon and yoghurt for breakfast (22 months on from tonsils will not touch milk - have eaten toast for brekkie for months and months and it was grwoing old with me...)
Drinking : no. Stopped drinking all alcohol as sulphites react badly with me. Might try beer over summer. Otherwise lots and lots of Australian tea.
Reading: a birthday gift - Witi Ihimaera's Maori Boy
Wanting: lots of things but do I really NEED them??
Looking: at the obscene pile of junk mail - went into the recycling bin
Playing: it is all work at this time of the year...
Deciding: what to do about Christmas and families
Wishing: Christmas decisions were made
Enjoying: family and birthdays
Waiting: for mail
Liking:my sweet birthday gifts
Wondering: if any of the 1000 books to be returned will be returned and where are the 800 odd lost ones...?????
Loving: family
Pondering: what to do over the summer
Considering: what to buy for gifts
Watching: a whole hour of tv on Monday night - I NEVER watch tv
Hoping: that the youngest's school camp is going well
Marvelling: at how fast this year has gone
Needing: little
Smelling: roses
Wearing: Target linen shorts and a Karen Walker top
Following: no-one at school - spending a lot of time by myself there
Noticing: personalities at work...
Knowing: more than I should know I think..
Thinking: what will happen next year
Admiring: new principal (still!)
Sorting: bedrooms
Buying: not much yet for Christmas
Getting: gorgeous gifts for birthday
Bookmarking: a few new knitting blogs
Disliking: politics and the NZ government for ditching inquiry/ curiculum books going to schools from Term 3 2015 - they are mental!
Opening: sweet mail and gifts
Giggling: at my good university pass (I did not do all of the work... have exams sussed I think!)
Feeling: happy
Snacking: fruit, tomato chutney, cheese and crackers
Coveting: shoes from England and
Wishing: hols were here
Helping: teachers sort classrooms (or me sneaking in to hunt...)
Hearing: school choir daily practicing for prizegiving
Thanks to Pip for the list..
Love the list idea, very mysterious entry on 'Knowing'......! Am intrigued! X