Creative Chaos

Creative Chaos

Saturday, 26 August 2017

A weekend day and a giveaway

On Saturdays I can wake up anytime between 7.10am (my week days get out of bed time) and 9.30am. Today I annoyingly woke up at 7. 10am, but it meant the first load of three washes was outside on the clothesline by 9am and all dry by 3pm or so. We've had cracker drying washing outside days all week.

I'll either make porridge or have the usual muesli and greek yoghurt and a cup of tea in bed, knit in bed for a bit and then get out of it by 10am or so.

The teens do their own thing and get their own breakfasts and lunches and might not even be awake till 12 noon or later. One might not even be here and I may not have seen him for a day or 3!

Then I'll potter; attack the floor on my side of the bed; stare at university work and maybe write a word or two; knit some more; stare at work again; get up; wander the house aimlessy; talk to the husband who is usually cleaning up the kitchen; might say 3 words to teens who just disappear back into bedrooms...

and the day continues much like this! I stay home a lot at the moment. It means I save money!!

We've a couple of daffs in the back yard - must plant a ton more!

  The new grass is growing where the huge monkey apple tree once was...
 Delighted to see a wee cauliflower...
 I did plant things way too close to each other...
 Not impressed with the celery - something is attacking it and it is in pretty poor shape...
 roses are prunned and coming back...
 I've sat and knitted on my bedroom floor in the sun...
 And a giveaway - leave a comment for a pair of New Zealand made, under the knee length merino wool socks.  Open worldwide. I'll draw a winner on Friday September 1.

I love weekends. And my Tuesdays off - no uni for a week (or it might even be 2?!) as it is mid-semester break - yippee.


  1. I'm always so annoyed when I wake up early on a weekend, it's happened to me too today. Mick's out at cricket all afternoon and Eleanor's at work so I've got time to myself, I'll be doing a bit of knitting after I've caught up on blog reading. What a lovely giveaway, I'd love to be included in the draw please.

  2. I slept in til 10.30 today. Once the kids get older you never see them. Only for money, a lift or food. Can't believe you sit on the floor and knit. I'd love to win those socks too. Very nice

  3. I enjoy your posts as we have a lot in common - both in the education sector, knitters, growing vegetables, teenagers and more. I can certainly relate to all that you juggle in life!

  4. I should have also mentioned that I would love the socks - would keep me warm at work(school!).

  5. Thanks for the giveaway I love this pair of socks!!
