Creative Chaos

Creative Chaos

Monday, 28 January 2019

Up High in SIngapore

We're in the middle of a heatwave - well it's not the heat of Singapore, which we visited nearly 3 weeks ago. It is an INCREDIBLE city state/island - I had no idea how blown away I would be by the place. So much to do, so safe, that 4 of us could all go our own ways and find stuff to do (our musuem tastes differ!) and get back to the hotel on the fabulous MTR trains easily. The teens *loved* it (and the duck for breakfast every day!).
We splurged going up the top of the Marina Bay Hotel one night - this actually freaked me out as I am very sacred of heights - we were out on this platform thing overlooking the city. All I wanted to do was sit in the middle of the platform and not look down anywhere- even if the view was stunning (but no sitting allowed - Singapore comes across as a very conforming place...)  I was too freaked to even take photos near the edge myself... 
I also learnt that I just can not cope with wearing skirts and dresses in Singapore - the heat is insane and sticky after 10 minutes... ouch!

The views were spectacular....

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Happy New Year and my classroom

Happy new year! WOW - where has the time gone already? A LOT of it for me has been making classroom resources, shopping for the classroom, being in the classroom and planning. The life of a BT (beginning teacher) - unpaid I'll add until students arrive !!! (what other industry gets away with this?!? Even when we've done teacher only days and induction, we get zero pay until Jan 28...

Anyway - I thought you might like to see progress... I'm very happy with it all. I must have taken 5 carloads of stuff in, but it all fits into the classroom well and I don't think it looks cluttered at all... and there are sill empty shelving space in the room, but empty space in cupboards...  It's taken A LOT of work! Roll on a week's time and I'll be TEACHING - oh my. I'm rather freaked out....