Creative Chaos

Creative Chaos

Wednesday, 26 March 2014


are nasty people. Part of my day was spent trying not to cry while chatting to a couple of managers today. Workplace bullies are nasty. I wish it was a lot easier to get rid of people who terrorise other people and play mind games with others. >br> I've come home and walked around looking at things that make me happy at home. Here they are.


  1. Lots of joyful things there ! Love the sock knitting it's on my to learn list ��
    Bullies are terrible and I'm sorry you're going through this

  2. Bullies are awful, at any age. I hope things get better for you. No one needs to go through that especially at a place of work where you no doubt spend a good amount of time at. xo

  3. Bullies aren't welcome anywhere. I'm glad for you Kimberley that you have such loveliness and happiness at home to brighten up a not so good day. Take care.

  4. I'm sorry you have to work with bullies, it's a very unpleasant thing to go through and I do hope that it stops. Well done for taking the time to enjoy lovely things that make you happy. Thinking of you.
    Anne xx

  5. Sorry to hear you are having to deal with this at the moment kimberley. I hope it gets sorted very soon. How nice that you can still find things to make you smile though. Sending a hug across the miles xx

  6. I'm so sorry you have to work with bullies :( xxxx Hope tomorrow is a better day!
