Well I've just done this -
Submitted my first assignment! That was rather crazy - the university semester only started 3 weeks ago and I've had to research and write my first essay in that time! That is a VERY fast turnaround for ME! And the students are already on a 2 week holiday now - what?! After only 3 weeks at university!
Me - I'm on a 5 day holiday (with about 2 weeks of university notes to catch up on. I tell you, working virtually fulltime in a crazy mad job, and having 3 children and hours of interviews this past week and then parent evening meetings around the stupid NCEA (NZ high school assessment programme most NZ high schools follow) has done my head IN. I've a backlog of housework etc.
I really do plan on staying home a lot (there will be day excursions here and there too) and cleaning and sorting out my stuff!! I already hung 3 loads of laundry outside after school today. We had a massive storm overnight too.
I found a surprise Easter gift outside my front door too - the photo I took is on the internal hard drive of the camera and until I find the cord... sweet friends! And the mother-in-law dropped these off as I'm not much of a fan of chocolate for Easter... I'll take flowers any day over chocolate!
And then my sweet cousin Jackie sent me a surprise package in the mail too -
I need to master beading with a beadle!
This weekend I'm hoping for lots of clean laundry, letter writing, knitting various things, time with family, cleaning/clearing out of bedrooms (and possibly the attic!) and generally enjoying myself and getting rid of a wee bit of essay stress!
Happy Good Friday everyone - we always make our own hotcross buns!
And hey - check out our weather! it was a CRAZY 100% humidity today - hideous! It is supposedly autumn - still too hot for that!