Creative Chaos

Creative Chaos

Thursday, 9 March 2017

last of the road trip

It's raining. Hallelujah. For days. Autumn certainly is coming in slowly.
I've started university - in a real lecture theatre - well there are only 10 of us in the class. let's rephrase that - there is me with 9 x 19 year olds!

It is hilarious! It really is a lot of fun. The lecturer told me I should cream them all. Well..uh... a pass is great to me!

They sit there, writing zero notes, tapping away on their cell phones under the desks... ha!

I spent today at work covering a ton of new books around students watching me all day long.
Now I just want to fall asleep but I've 2 essays to write...

These photos are from our Napier, Hastings and Taupo part of the January road trip. I'd love to be back on holiday again.... 6 or 7 more weeks I think....

This little shop in Napier was divine - loved their little seat outside where you could add to their knitting

lots and lots of great art deco around

views from the top of Napier Hill - that was a killer of a bike ride, but the best way to see a city going a lot further than walking!

cycled through the Botanical Gardens

down along the waterfront -

back into the city -

from above the Port of Napier -

Can't go to Napier without some wine tasting -

Then over to The Mission vineyard for a yummy light lunch

this platter was perfect!

I don't ever remember visiting Hastings before -

And from there a drive over to Taupo for a night. The De Bretts camp ground is fabulous with great hot pools.

Impressed with the camping cabin!

Over to Mangakino - not a lot there these days -

And a bit of New Zealand land war history to round a fabulous trip off.

Now when are the next school holidays?!

I'm not that in love with my job at the moment...


  1. Wow. That's a great trip

  2. This looks like a great place to visit! Glad you enjoyed it. I am mostly dealing with mature students these days, I find their motivation and enthusiasm rewarding.

  3. It is so enjoyable taking this little trips with you! Thank you so much for sharing!
